EDPS 310

Classroom Management

Course Outline

Fall 2010

Course Outcomes


Long – Term Goal:


The scholarly practitioner will understand current theories and guiding principles of classroom management and apply them to the classroom of the 21st Century in an urban and/or rural community.



Specific Outcomes:

Session 1

The scholarly practitioner will understand the traits of effective teachers and how these traits impact student – teacher relationships and student behavior.

The scholarly practitioner will develop a clear vision for the look, feel, sound, and goals of their classroom and the foundation for an effective management plan that will help them achieve their vision.










 Session 2

The scholarly practitioner will understand that organization - the procedures and routines within a classroom greatly influences the behavior and motivation of their students.




3.     Using an Attention Signal

4.     Design Effective Beginning and Ending Routines

5.     Manage Student Assignments

6.     Manage Independent Works Periods


Session 3

The scholarly practitioner will understand that an effective classroom management plan is not a canned program or static entity. It is a framework that supports a variety of rituals, routines, rules, consequences, and motivational techniques they can use to ensure that their students are academically engaged and emotionally thriving.


1.     Determine the Level of Classroom Structure

2.     Develop and Display Classroom Rules

3.     Correct Rule Violations During the First Week of School

4.     Establish Corrective Consequences for Rule Violations

5.     Know When (and When Not) to Use Disciplinary Referral

Session 4

The scholarly practitioner will understand that successful teachers are clear with students about exactly how they expect student to behave.


1.     CHAMPS

2.      Clarify CHAMPS Expectations for Instructional Activities

3.     Clarify CHAMPS Expectations for Transitions

4.     Prepare Lessons to Communicate Your Expectations


 Sessions 5 to 18

The scholarly practitioner will understand the different types of disruptions and the needs of the students.

The scholarly practitioner will understand the different positions their students will take that can result in behavior concerns or issues in the classroom.

 The scholarly practitioner will understand how developmental concerns will impact student behavior.

The scholarly practitioner will understand the acting-out cycle and apply specific structures and strategies unique to each student during the seven phases of the cycle.



1.     Types of Behavior

2.     Seven Positions

3.     Temperament

4.      Managing Acting-Out Behavior

a.     Phase I – Calm

b.     Phase II – Triggers

c.      Phase III – Agitation

d.     Phase IV – Acceleration

e.     Phase V – Peak

f.      Phase VI – De- Escalation

g.     Phase VII - Recovery


Extended Sessions – September 10, 17, and 24

The scholarly practitioner will understand lesson design and the impact on student behavior in the classroom.


1.     Collaborative Learning/Team Building

Grade 3 or 6

Using Student Demographics – Set A

Due: September 17


2.     Mathematics or Science

Grade 2 or 5

Using Student Demographics – Set B

Due: September 24


3.     English Language Arts or Social Studies

Grade 1 or 4           

Using Student Demographics – Set C

Due: October 1




September 17            Lesson Plan 1 (5%)


September 20            “Sharing Your Vision and Expectations” (5%)


September 24            Lesson Plan 2 (5%)


October 1                    Lesson Plan 3 (5%)


October 4                    Mid-Term Examination – Observation and Written Response (20%)


November 3                 Behavior Management Plan – Based on Case Study (30%)


November 10               Final Examination Selected and Written Short Response (30%)




Marks Available:

  Lesson Plan 1                                                                                    September 20

Sharing Your Vision and Expectations                                     September 27

Lesson Plan 2                                                                                    October 1           

Lesson Plan 3                                                                                   October 8

Mid- Term Examination                                                            October 11

Behavior Management Plan                                                            November 10

Final Examination                                                                         November 17

Marks Submitted to U of A                                                            November 17